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Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I thought I had time to write, but a train whistle just woke up my snoozing baby.  So we'll see how long I get.

Today is a house-overhaul kind of day.  We had a very busy weekend, and glancing around the house, it shows.  I did manage to get the laundry done (and folded!), but it sits in piles throughout the living room.  If we just keep wearing stuff, eventually the piles will be gone, right?

Today is a dinner-for-lunch kind of day.  John has to work later, so we're going to have Pasta Alfredo (homemade!) for lunch, which will give us both leftovers for dinner; me at home, him at work.

Yesterday was a miss-my-baby-while-working kind of day.  I stepped into the baby room for about a half hour to cover a break.  While playing with those smiley babies and giving a bottle, I couldn't help but miss my little man who was spending the day with Grammy.  Lucky him.  Lucky Grammy.

Tomorrow will be a busy, long work day.  Mainly packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  I gotta get in all my baby snuggles today, because there won't be many tomorrow!

Today is all I'm promised.  So I'm gonna go rescue my babbling baby from his crib and give him kisses.  It's amazing how much I miss him, just over night.

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