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Friday, December 30, 2011

never alone.

I'm contemplating having to buy a condolence card.  I have to get out and purchase it.  But that's the easy part.

In light of what is nothing short of a massive tragedy, I have found myself trying to make sense of that which makes no sense.  I've been thinking about it a lot.  Putting myself in the place of parents who have lost a son.  Friends who have lost their friend.  Siblings who have lost their brother.

Thinking of final hours, moments, is not easy.  It's not pleasant.  It's heart-wrenching.

But here's what I've come up with.  It gives me some small measure of peace to understand it this way.

When Jesus died on that cross, taking your sin and mine upon Himself, God turned His face away.  According to Jesus' own words, he was forsaken.  I'm no theologian, so no judgement here please, this is just how I understand it.  Because of the ugliness of MY sin, YOUR sin, Jesus was forsaken by his Father.  God turned His back on Jesus in his death.


Because of Jesus dying alone for me and for you, this dear one did not die alone.  None of us know exactly what happened in those last moments.  It can be excruciating to go there in your mind.  But here's what I do know: Jesus died a horrible death, alone on that cross, so that this one would NOT be alone.  Regardless of anything, he was not alone.  Jesus was there.  Because He would not turn his back on him. 

This helps me a little.  Thinking of a loved one being alone in the end is sad.  But he wasn't alone.  God was there, because He loved him.  Anyone who accepts the gift God so freely gives will never be alone.  No matter how deep the despair, how painful the loss, God is there. 

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves
those who are crushed in spirit." 
Psalm 34:18

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