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Monday, August 15, 2011

Rained out

I'm a huge Yankees fan.  A huge Yankees fan that has never been to a Yankee game, ever!  My husband is a Mets fan.  Mets games, I've seen.  We got engaged in front of Shea Stadium.  But the Yankees are my team, and I was so excited John and I were going to see a game on Sunday.

Everything was set.  John's parents had the baby for the day.  We drove to Poughkeepsie and took the train in.  It stopped right at Yankee Stadium.  And that's where the good times stopped.

Just as we stepped off the train, we heard the announcement.  Sunday's game was cancelled due to rain.  Boo.

Now, I wasn't that surprised.  The forecast was for rain, rain and more rain all day in NYC.  But I had been holding out a tiny bit of hope, that maybe, just maybe they would play in the rain.

So I didn't even get to step foot in the Stadium.  Everything was closed.  We got on the subway and decided to make the best of the situation.  We headed to our favorite restaurant in Little Italy, Cafe Sorento.  After walking a couple blocks we arrived at Mulberry Street.  Which way?  We never remember.  I said left, John said right.  We went left.'s not there.  So we went John's way.  Hmm...still not there.  We went back my way, then looked up the address (I had one of their business cards in my wallet).  We stood in front of where Cafe Sorento used to be...and just looked at each other.  It was gone.

And let me just remind you, the Yankee game was cancelled due to rain.  Rain that was still pouring down making our day even worse!

We decided yet again to make the best of it.  We found a different restaurant and ordered Chicken Parm.  It was good.  It was alright.  It definitely wasn't as good as Cafe Sorento.  After lunch we got some canolis and cookies at Ferarri's.  Soooo delicious.

Time to head home.  We took the train from Grand Central to Poughkeepsie, then stopped for dinner at Sonic on the way home.  Pretty much the only thing that went our way the entire day! 

The only good thing about the game being cancelled is I got to give JJ his tubby, feed him and put him to bed.

It took us forever to figure out a date we could make it to the game.  Now we've got to figure out another date.  So frustrating!!  But at least we got to spend the day together!  It was fun despite all the disappointments, and we had a good time just being with each other.

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